The 2025 Parker 400 Poker Run

Come drive The Parker 400 race course and see what the racers drive on race day! The Poker Run brings off-road enthusiasts, racers, team members and everyone in the Parker area together for a fun event behind the wheel of their own vehicles.
The Poker Run will run out to Midway and back, keeping the distance to 77 miles. It will not run the outer loop through Bouse and Butler Valley.
In order to keep participants moving along the 77 mile route, there will be no remote stops to get poker cards. Instead, participants will spin a virtual poker hand maker at the finish line to record their poker hands. Prizes, including 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies, will be given out based on the best hands later in the night at the awards at Blue Water Resort & Casino.
What: The Parker 400 Poker Run
Where: Parker, Arizona
When: Saturday, January 11th, 2025 from 9am - 5pm
Total Distance: ~77 miles
- The Poker Run is open to the general public in off-road cars, trucks and UTV’s.
- No numbered race vehicles, quads, 3-wheelers or motorcycles.
- Helmets and seatbelts for all passengers are required.

Onsite Check In: Bluewater Resort and Casino. Click here for the Poker Run schedule.
Poker Run Start: CRIT Start/Finish Line Gauntlet.
The last Poker Run vehicle must leave the start line by Noon. Any vehicle showing up to the start line after Noon will not be eligible for hands & prizes.
Poker Run Finish: CRIT Start/Finish Line Gauntlet.
All participants must finish the Poker Run by 3:00pm to be eligible for awards and prizes.
GPS Files: GPX, KML and USR files are in the registration confirmation email.
Poker Run Cost: $100/vehicle (Includes a Parker 400 Event Shirt at onsite check in)
CRIT OHV Sticker Cost: $30/vehicle
Since you will be operating an OHV vehicle while on Colorado River Indian Tribe (CRIT) land, it must be registered with the CRIT and have a “CRIT OHV Sticker” attached to the vehicle. Please note, this is a different sticker than a Parker 400 parking/camping sticker.
- Where can you obtain at CRIT OHV Sticker? CRIT Fish and Game located at 688 Mohave Road, Parker, AZ 85344.